Archive | April 2016

The FBI Just Indicted Hillary Clinton over Libyan War Crimes

A months-long investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server uncovered serious international crimes. Though the investigation seemed to focus on her illegal communications regarding official state business, more serious issues quickly began to emerge. Now, the FBI is abiding by international law and has just announced Hillary Clinton is being indicted for war crimes over her role in the overthrow of the Libyan government, among other illegal activities.The charges stem from the former secretary of state’s active role in enabling genocide against black Africans in Libya. As Anti-Media reported in January, Clinton was informed by one of her closest advisers that Libyan rebels were summarily executing black Libyans. However, this information did not stop Clinton from supporting those very same rebels with military aid. She even perpetuated the myth that these Libyans were simply foreign mercenaries hired by Muammar Gaddafi. Adding insult to injury, Clinton was later caught on camera joyously joking about the brutal execution of the former Libyan leader.

Source: The FBI Just Indicted Hillary Clinton over Libyan War Crimes